How can nurses embrace considerations of social factors in their care practices?
Currently, there are 6500 Nursing Staff in Jharkhand, working in both private and public systems. All of them were educated by the curriculum guidelines provided by the State Nursing Council. Once in the public system, nurses are trained in the Institute of Public Health (administrative) and the ANM Training Centers (practical) to ensure state standards are followed.
As nurses began to embrace broader social factors influencing health outcomes, seek for new ways of working that are more fit to people’s community than medical environments, and increasingly collaborate with stakeholders from non-traditional domains to increase access to broader and more diverse healing pathways, new frameworks and methods are needed to expand the field’s abilities to thrive in such shifting landscape.

In partnership with the Transform Rural India Foundation, and supported by the Jharkhand National Health Mission, the Jharkhand Health Department, the State Nursing Council, Nursing Colleges, the Institute of Public Health, and the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) Training Centers.
Our goal is to expand the ability of nurses to integrate considerations of behavior factors influencing poor health outcomes when delivering care.